Greatest Moment In Life

Greatest Moment In Life
I wish there will be a point in my life where i experience such passion and sense of achievement....And I am still anticipating that moment

Sep 6, 2015

And Life Goes On...

So, after I posted the image from Slamdunk previously, I had vowed to stop writing  here.
Since no one ever reads this blog.

But, that's the advantage of this blog isnt it. I can type and vent my emotions out freely. In today's world where social media is highly curated by its owner, it is difficult and frown upon to talk about the 'negative vibes'.

So...over the past 3 years, many things have taken place. Many changes - in terms of my goals, my views, my plans, my friends.

Because of my exposure to entrepreneurship and maybe the deep desire for 'the nomad lifestyle' and the 'easy lifestyle', my life has taken a 360 degree shift.

I used to think that I would do a couple of degrees, graduate and make my mark in research. But I changed my mind along the way.


Partly because the path to being a great in research is narrow and dark. I no longer have the confidence to thread down that road, survive and come out victorious.

And so I regret choosing this path. But I do not regret the journey taken during my attempt to thread this path. So all is good.

And since then,

I have taken my first strides in another path. A path that turns out to be equally, if not narrower, darker and longer.

I have gone into the 'mirage' of entrepreneurship.

What Entrepreneurship Isn't 

I was lured by the lifestyle, the projected 'ease of success' and the possibility of becoming a free spirit. 

And these are what entrepreneurship isn't. 

Apparently, you can't just set up a shop and expect customers to rush in and dump their cash to you. No one would do that. I wouldn't do that. 

So, Entrepreneurship requires: 
  • Hard work - and alot of it, over a long period of time. (Never believe anyone who says its easy, fast, or immediately)
  • Networking - yes, you need to meet strangers, hold conversations, pitch your ideas
  • Money - yes it does require money, the only question is will the money come from you, your family, or strangers. But it does require money.

What I'm trying to say is...

Lost after this long post? 
Cuz I am. 

So, what I've been trying to say is. 

Don't make decisions based on emotions, desire or greed. And never make impulse decisions on the spot, especially if it requires money. 

Instead, always give yourself a cooling down period of 1 week (no matter how 'limited' it is)

And ask yourself: 
  • Will I really do this?
  • How much time can I afford to put into this?
  • How much money can I afford to put into this, without expecting any returns?
  • How focused will I be on this?
  • What will life be if I don't do this?
Really negative questions, but they may save me (and maybe you) from making regretful, impulse decisions.

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