Greatest Moment In Life

Greatest Moment In Life
I wish there will be a point in my life where i experience such passion and sense of achievement....And I am still anticipating that moment

Feb 12, 2010

yay!got my laptop back..finally~
the service was seriously slow...and they dont seem to want to improve on it, since the speed was not one of the factors listed on their customer service survey thingy which they made me complete.

and i passed my tp test.
but im utterly disappointed. with myself.
dont know if its the 'nervousness' but i got awarded with 16 demerit points
out of which, i think i didnt even deserve 10 points.
maybe i was too 'nervous' to notice, but seriously,
i couldnt have been 'too nervous' to not slow down when approaching a road hazard right?!
if there was a road hazard which i didnt slow down when approaching, maybe it was invisible?
damn, should have asked the tester when he gave me the paper...but i was too shocked when he said 16-_-
damn it.
and i was damn pissed when he ended off his debrief with 'since its the CNY, i'll give you a big angpow and let you pass'
damn, like i need ur angpow.
i seriously would like to retake the whole frigging test, if it didnt cost $100+

oops, the useless ranting took up so much time-_-

and im still damn pissed.

anyways, good luck to all for the LSSS test later!
regardless of what dr F. said about exams and luck, i think LSSS test is one of those test in which everyone deserve a good dose of luck.

i want to watch 72家租客! but sg's version is chinese dubbed as usual-_-
i want to watch it in canto!!!

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