Greatest Moment In Life

Greatest Moment In Life
I wish there will be a point in my life where i experience such passion and sense of achievement....And I am still anticipating that moment

May 11, 2010

luck? im such a loser.

i think im down on luck recently.
if there is such a thing.

been jobless for 2months plus plus plus...
getting lazy at home.
really lazy.

met this really weird uncle at ntuc on sun.
must really be down on luck to meet such a guy
pit bottom.
it was freaking crowded in ntuc and i was pushing the trolley thingy, behind that uncle.
i admit i wasnt looking forward, cuz i was trying to find an empty alley to go into.
and then he suddenly slowed down
naturally, i didnt see that coming and the trolley kinda hit his leg.
its not like he feet broke off or something.
and i apologised immediate. and repeatedly.
but he wasnt very pleased.
so he just STOPPED walking, turned around and stared at me.
so now everyone behind me starts shouting at him to move.
but the staring continues.
he starts scolding the ppl behind me before he decided that he should scold me.
really down on my luck.
anyways, i couldnt take it anymore, so i shouted back at him.
i said sorry right!?
and he said. sorry? i still want my leg one!
not like he's feet broke off?!
stupid sonofabitch.
its not my fault that you can find a short enough queue.
stop venting your anger on me.
anyways, after he shouted back about his weak legs, he went off.

maybe i need some anger management.
if my dad saw my reaction, he would have given me a long lecture.
on keeping my cool.
its not like i tend to lose my cool easily.
i just wasnt calm enough that day, for some reason.

been getting dizzy spells lately.
the ground would seem to start moving around randomly.
not sure its due to lack of food or overdose of internet surfing.

anyone interested in rock climbing?
i wanna go for the sncs climbing course.
and i need to gather 8 ppl.
contact me if you're interested!

and oh!
if you've recieved an invitation from me about,
please just sign up for the account?
as a favor.

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