Greatest Moment In Life

Greatest Moment In Life
I wish there will be a point in my life where i experience such passion and sense of achievement....And I am still anticipating that moment

Mar 17, 2011

grandma again

Maybe im just taking her for granted.but trust me, i tried. But idk how is it possible for one to carw and please someone who bashes u and uses u as a channel to vent her anger and frustrations?

Im not very good with emotions and maybe she's not sensitive enough.but, i am still able to feel emotions.tho i may not show it to her.

Dont want to argue with her cuz if i were to, 90% of our conversations would end up in an arguement. But just because i keep quiet, it doesnt mean tt i agree.

Damn.whenever im ranting. Nothing comes out nicely.i just end up typing whatever i want to and things seem to be everywhere.

I WANT TO LEAVE THIS HSE ASAP! feels like family and such connection will only be a burden.since idk how to deal with them properly. i really cnt be bothered at times,but when she bashes me verbally, it hurts. Even though she's been doing tt ever since i can rmb, it still hurts. Damn.
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